Cherry Pals in The Dalles: Orchard View Farms and Omeg Family Orchards Form Affiliation

The Dalles, Oregon

Orchard View Farms, Inc., owned by the Bailey Family, and Dry Hollow Family Orchards, Inc. — parent company to Omeg Family Orchards — owned by Mike Omeg, are pleased to announce an affiliation between their respective corporations to better compete in global cherry markets.

Brenda Thomas, President of Orchard View Farms, said “Mike and I have been neighbors our whole lives and have watched each other learn and grow our respective businesses. An affiliation now between our companies is another way we are thinking about maximizing our competitive position in the evolving markets for sweet cherry production and sales.”

View of Orchard View Cherries (Image copyright: Orchard View Inc. All rights reserved)

View of Orchard View Cherries (Image copyright: Orchard View Inc. All rights reserved)

Ian Chandler, director of field operations for Orchard View Farms, said “Vertical integration and economies of scale are the way forward. After years of discussions between the Bailey and Omeg families, I think they both agree that today surviving in the industry requires open and strong connections between growers, packing facilities and marketing allowing a free flow of information, innovation and timing to maximize returns for everyone.”

Mike Omeg said, “I am honored and lucky to have an opportunity to affiliate with Orchard View. Between mother nature, the marketplace and the increasing complexity of agribusiness today, the right partners can make the difference between success and failure.”

View of Omeg Family Orchards (Image copyright: Dry Hollow Family Orchards, Inc. All rights reserved.)

View of Omeg Family Orchards (Image copyright: Dry Hollow Family Orchards, Inc. All rights reserved.)

As of January 8, 2018, the two companies will collectively share resources and expertise, farming over 3,000 acres of sweet cherries in Oregon and Washington.

Bob Bailey, Ken Bailey, Brenda Thomas and David Ortega (Image copyright: Orchard View Inc. All rights reserved.)

Bob Bailey, Ken Bailey, Brenda Thomas and David Ortega (Image copyright: Orchard View Inc. All rights reserved.)

Mike Omeg, his wife Lindsay and their kids. (Image copyright: Dry Hollow Family Orchards, Inc. All rights reserved.)

Mike Omeg, his wife Lindsay and their kids. (Image copyright: Dry Hollow Family Orchards, Inc. All rights reserved.)